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Dance Star Mickey Promo
Dance Star Mickey is a fun, musical toy for toddlers and preschoolers. The variety of music and cute animated movements keep kids entertained and gets them moving. Dance Star Mickey is an animated Mickey Mouse toy that's about 18 inches tall. Dance Star Mickey dances to a wide variety of music and has different moves for each dance. His joints are loose so he's able to wave his hands realistically. He walks and moon walks and turns around, thanks to wheels in his feet. Kids play with him for a long time because the music is always changing. When Mickey falls over he makes little little comments like, "Can I get a little help?" or "Cleanup in aisle 12!" until someone picks him up.

Dance Star Mickey - Toy Fair - February 15, 2010

Donny promoted Disney's 'Dance Star Mickey' at the Toy Fair in 2010.

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